Trivia night games in Central New York including Syracuse,Plus Bonus

Bonus for Tuesday July 3,2012


We want to wish everyone safe travels as you move about this 4th of July holiday! Of course, traveling for you is a whole lot easier than it is for the President. But then again no one has to clear a three block radius for your arrival either. Tonight we’re gonna dive into some classic rock band and their chart successes along with a question about our spatial relationship with Canada. Since we will be decked our in our red, white and blue tomorrow, tonight we’re showing some solidarity with our caucasisan cousins to the north. Come wearing anything that references Canada (one the provinces, the red maple leaf, etc.) and your team will pick up 13 points at the end of Round 2 (one for each province and territory)

New Time: Applebees in DeWitt will now start at 9pm every Tuesday.

Vist Syracuse Trivia for more game locations.