Finger Lakes Trivia Bonus for Monday September 5, 2016
Posted On September 5, 2016
It may be a Labor Day but you can still play DJ Trivia at Waneta Inn at 7:30! There is no game at Swaby’s Tavern, Auburn or Rogues Harbor in Lansing!

September is upon us at that means the pennant race baseball and the World Series are right around the corner. With Fall approaching, that also means that some herbivores with have trouble finding their next meal. They’ll still have an easier time of finding food than I will of ever solving a Rubik’s Cube, but then again, they’re much more motivated than I am. You may not be motivated to solve a Rubik’s Cube, but I’m willing to bet you’ll be motivated by 7 extra points at the end of Round 1 (before the Double Down Dare) to bring a Rubik’s Cube with you tonight.