Finger lakes Trivia Bonus for Monday July 11, 2016
DJ Trivia Leagues are well under way and you can join for free and see how much fun you have by coming out to Swaby’s Tavern in Auburn , The Waneta Inn in Dundee and Rogues Harbor in Lansing. All three games start at 7:30pm!

I know they announced the movie, but I still haven’t been able to figure out who they will cast to play MacGyver in the movie they are making. Heck, I even went to Google and they couldn’t tell me. That surprised me because they’ve known everything since the day it was invented. I heard that they are even working on a translation app that will help convert Ozzy Osboune to the English language. I’m not sure how helpful that will be to me, I’m certain that there are a few folks in this world who would buy it just to say that have it on their phone. Since so many of you are fascinated with your electronic leash, tonight we’re going to allow you to benefit from it. When your team registers before the start of the game, show your host the strangest, most ridiculous app you have on your phone and say why you have it there and your host will give your team 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).