Finger lakes Trivia Bonus for Monday August 29, 2016
Play DJ Trivia tonight at Rogues Harbor in Lansing or Waneta Inn in Dundee, 7:30 or earn 100 League Points when you travel to Swaby’s Tavern in Auburn at 7:00

Yeah, a few teams have already played, but the real start of the college football season is this weekend. For the casual fan, this means you have a just a few day to refresh your knowledge of the basics of the game and the rules. My brother-in-law couldn’t care less about football. He’d rather spend his Saturday changing the oil in his car to yet another brand of motor oil. To make it even worse, before he gets started he puts Madonna’s greatest hits in his CD player and blasts it while he gets his hands dirty. While you may or may not get your hands dirty during the day, at least you clean up before you come to play DJ Trivia. Bring a container of automotive hand cleaner and your host will help you clean up on the scoreboard with an extra 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).