Play DJ Trivia tonight at Beef & Brew, 7:15, Halfway Haus, The Auburn Ale House, The Keuka Restaurant at 7:30 or Plantations Bar & Grill, Ithaca at 8:00 – traveling gives you a chance to learn more for the Championship Finals – Nov 21 – details with teams & rules posted.

There’s nothing in the world more esoteric than arguing with my daughter about the cost of hair care products. She didn’t get the joke when I told her back in my day a little dab would do ya’. The way the ground shook from her anger it felt like a great American earthquake. That’s when she told me that the classic rock music I listen to was actually a trace fossil. And apparently I don’t know anything about hair care products anymore. Tonight, please enlighten me by bringing a bottle of your favorite mouse, gel or other sticky hair care substance and you’ll look fabulous when you get your 20 points at the end of Round 3 (before the Double Down Dare).