DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Take a break from the Thanksgiving preparations and play DJ Trivia tonight at Plantation Bar & Grill at 8:00, Wayside Irish Pub – 7:00 (EARLIER THAN USUAL), or at Ovid Vfw at 6:30 where you can bring a dish to pass with the kitchen closed for tonight only! Games at Next Chapter will resume next week.

Now that the nieces and nephews are getting a little bit older, I guess we’ll be entertaining them with superhero movies. I can’t wait to tell them that in my house we only watch DC universe super hero movies. So, they’ll have access to all of the Batman movies and even the Wonder Woman ones, for their viewing pleasure. Otherwise they’ll have to spend time helping in the kitchen while I lecture them on food history from around the world, including things like the Sandwich Islands, the Earl of Sandwich, Oyster Bay, and of course, the nation of Turkey. Since we are all going to face an onslaught of turkey leftovers in the next few days, we at DJ Trivia are here to help you plan for alternative dining choices. Tonight your team will earn one point for each brick/square of ramen noodles you bring with you. A maximum of 50 points will be awarded at the end of Round 4 (before the Do Or Dare).