DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Another new location to call your DJ Trivia teams home for League starts tonight – Nickel’s Pit BBQ at 7:00!
Games also continue tonight at Ovid Vfw at 6:30, Next Chapter Brewpub at 7:00, Wayside Irish Pub at 7:30, and Plantation Bar & Grill at 8:00!

I think I’ve created a monster. I inadvertently introduced my teenager to the Pink Floyd’s The Wall album. He then found out there’s a film, but I’m not sure that his sheltered little mind can handle it yet. I was kind of hoping he would have discovered my vast collection of English rock and blues band albums, but I guess there are worse things. He could be a Disney fan and he’d bore me with his explanations of the imagery in the animated version of Alice In Wonderland. Tonight, it’s time to dig into the back of the closet, into that dusty box you haven’t opened in years, and dig out that old vinyl, cassette, or CD version of The Wall; not the movie, just the album. If you can find it and bring it, you can have 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).