DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Join In On the Fun DJ Trivia in the Finger Lakes when you play tonight at Ovid Vfw, 6:30, Next Chapter Brewpub at 7:00 or Wayside Irish Pub at 7:30 and The Plantation Bar and Grill at 8:00

It has been dreary and raining at the ol’ homestead over the past couple of weeks, so Mrs. Clue Writer has made it her mission to rewatch every Julia Roberts movie ever made. She watches on channels with commercials, so now I know about every type of soap out there. But I did notice that I never saw an ad for Ivory soap; still on the shelves, just not on TV. I promised my cubicle buddy that I would start watching The Office when she was done with the TV. He said the show has the greatest collection of side characters ever assembled. I do know that if the rain doesn’t end, I’m going to go crazy. To stave off being crazy, there’s always something to remind us of sunnier times. Bring a bottle of suntan lotion or oil with you tonight to add a glow of 15 points to your score at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).