DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Wednesday, December 11, 2019
January brings a new League and a new location on Wednesday – Nickel’s Pit BBQ. But for tonight you can have fun playing DJ Trivia in the Finger Lakes – Ovid Vfw at 6:30, Next Chapter Brewpub at 7:00, Wayside Irish Pub at 7:30, or Plantation Bar & Grill at 8:00!

I have been shopping for upgrades to my home computer and it struck me how much cheaper computer memory is today than it used to be. I remember when adding gigs to memory was a huge thing and now we can buy terabytes for less than $100. I don’t know that I have enough electronic data to need a terabyte hard drive. That makes me wonder if we’ll ever need any more for home use. I might need it if I can ever find a digital version of the original Magnum, P.I. TV series. I watched one episode of the new series and will never need to see another one. I know that a terabyte can comfortably hold my collection of Dr. Seuss works (complete with artwork!). The one thing it can’t hold is the joy of turning the pages of a book. Pick up 15 points (before the Double Down Dare) tonight when you bring a copy of your favorite Dr. Seuss book to read to your team mates!