DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Tuesday, January 7, 2020
With the new DJ Trivia League there is a new challenge on Tuesdays at Woody’s Bar & Grille 7:00: the first 2 teams of 4 to make it their home location will earn $40 and $20 certificates!
NEW LOCATION tonight: Lavish Lounge, Bar and Restaurant at 7:00, formerly Auburn Ale House. Check out the renovations and enjoy the great new menu!
Games also continue at The Union Tavern at 7:00 and Vonnie’s Halfway Haus and The Keuka Restaurant at 7:30.

Tom Brady gets to explore free agency for the first time in his career, but even with his championships, he has a ways to go before he catches the championship rings leader from other sports. While he is definitely a talented quarterback, I’m fairly sure that he won’t end up joining Bon Jovi as a member of the band. It’s too bad he’s out of eligibility because this would be a great time to jump on a college basketball team and lead a school that has never won a championship to the promised land. Maybe you can help Mr. Brady decide what he wants to do next. Write out your sales pitch to get Tom Brady to do the next job you think he should pursue. If your host thinks he’ll be swayed by your sales pitch, your team will pick up 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).