DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Earn an extra 100 DJ Trivia League Points when you travel to our newest Tuesday location – Lavish Lounge, Bar and Restaurant at 7:00! Games continue tonight at Woody’s Bar & Grille where a new home team of 4 or more will get an extra certificate just for having fun each week – games also at 6:00 at The Union Tavern and at 7:30 at The Keuka Restaurant and Vonnie’s Halfway Haus!

Congratulations to the Tigers for their victory yesterday! Of course that’s vague; I wrote this yesterday afternoon. I spent all day preparing for my son to be annoyed because I claimed the TV to watch the game and he couldn’t watch Stan Lee make another cameo in yet another Marvel movie. If I wanted to see a cameo, I’d watch Norm MacDonald break out his Turd Ferguson impression on Saturday Night Live. The only problem now is that Mrs. Clue Writer will spend months making us watch movies we missed (I say avoided). First on her playlist is a bowl of popcorn and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, starring Ben Stiller. Since movies and popcorn are almost inseparable, bring the unpopped corn kernels you use when you make popcorn at home for movie watching and 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare) will be yours.