DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Starting in January, a new location in Auburn on Tuesday – Lavish Lounge, Bar and Restaurant! Until then, play DJ Trivia in the Finger Lakes tonight The Union Tavern at 6:00, Woody’s Bar & Grille at 7:00, Vonnie’s Halfway Haus or The Keuka Restaurant at 7:30!

We’re now halfway through December and already some folks in the neighborhood are getting cabin fever. This past weekend I saw a bunch of kids had broken out their Slip ‘N Slide and some Frisbees and were having a lawn party in the winter. When I was in school I was always panicking about school and stuck indoors trying desperately to remember everything I was supposed to learn about triangles for my geometry class (and that has come in so handy in my adult life). Nowadays I just sit in front of the TV, watching cooking shows. I never cook anything I see on TV, but I can tell you just about every meat product you can make out of pork. I admire those kids for their enthusiasm, but I’d still rather be at the beach. For 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare) bring in your favorite beach toy/activity you take with you when you want to have your toes in the sand.