DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Don’t let the rain stop you from having fun while you build your DJ Trivia League Score tonight: The Gould Hotel at 7:00 or Vonnie’s Halfway HausBeef & BrewThe Auburn Ale House, and The Keuka Restaurant!

Despite the protests of Mrs. Clue Writer, I’ve started playing fantasy baseball again this year. She protests because she knows this will rekindle my desire to visit every MLB stadium in America. I might be able to get away with a few this year, but only if we stop off at Carlsbad Caverns or some other National Park for her sightseeing pleasure. One place I know I will ever get her to visit with me is a culinary tour of Mexico. There are a number of classic, regional dishes, made in Mexico, with some really uncommon ingredients, that will never appear on the menu at Tex-Mex restaurant here at home. So, instead I’ll start mapping out which park gets me close to which ball park and plan my trip from there. To earn 30 points tonight at the end of Round 3 (before the Double Down Dare) bring in the printed driving directions from you house (or where you play DJ Trivia) to the National Park you’ve always wanted to visit and the points will be yours when you show them to your host.