Looking to play DJ Trivia at Ithaca Trivia Nights? You can earn 100 League Points when you travel to Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel and Conference Center at 7:00! OR play the hottest trivia game in the Finger Lakes with DJ Trivia tonight and earn 100 League Points when you travel to Carey Lake at 8:00!

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Sirius XM radio is relaunching the Billy Joel channel again, just in case you have forgotten any of the lyrics to the only five songs of his they ever play on commercial radio stations. Mr. Joel is one of many who have successfully created a career in music, but that isn’t to say that there aren’t other well known people who can also perform music at a concert level of talent. To me the really sad thing is when someone thinks they have to change their name in order to gain popularity in their profession; actors and musicians are notorious for doing this. Tonight’s bonus is to simply bring a Billy Joel CD, vinyl album or cassette tape with you to pick up 15 points for your team at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).