DJ Trivia League continues through Nov 1 and you can increase your Score by 100 when you travel tonight and play to The Elm Tree Inn – Mclean, NY at 7:00!

The NHL season has started up again, but since I don’t live in a town with a franchise, I haven’t kept up with which teams play in what city in the last several years. All I really know about it is that it’s played on ice and that means cold. The only time I’ve ever spent on ice was that one time I went ice fishing in Canada. I kept asking how cold it was and the guide would tell me but I could never convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit in my head. The worst part of that trip was at night in the shelter and the only thing we had for amusement was checkers. You can only play so many games of checkers before it gets old really fast. Is there a board game you used to play but you played it so much that you can’t be bothered to play it anymore? Great! Bring it with you tonight for 30 points at the end of Round 3 (before the Double Down Dare) and you might be able to trade it to another team for a different game to take home with you.