DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Thursday, November 14, 2019
The remaining DJ Trivia Playoff games are next week. Exercise your brain when you play tonight at Tavern Restaurant – 7:00, Fna’s Rhythm & Booze at 7:30 and Vonnie’s Boathouse at 8:00!

There was some tension in the office yesterday and I almost opened my mouth more than I should have. I’m mean I didn’t mouth off to my boss the way General MacArthur did, so I get to keep my job another day or two anyway. It’s part of the downside of being an Aries. Being under the sign of the God of War can make me more argumentative than I need to be at times. I’ve learned to control my temper. If I hadn’t learned to do that, I would probably ended up like some sort of modern day Captain Queeg. I hope I’m not the only one who’s ever gotten mad at work and said something (or things that ought not have been said). Write down the story of the angriest you’ve ever been at work and 15 points will be yours at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).