DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Thursday May 4, 2017

You can play DJ Trivia all over the Finger Lakes tonight and boost your League Score at 7:00 with Zachary, Tavern Restaurant or with Dave, Wildflower Crooked Rooster, at 7:30 you can join Adam at F n a Rhythm and Booze and at 8:00 you can see Eric at Vonnie’s Boathouse or Paul at Carey Lake!



I really wish Disney would release the newest Star Wars movie today, that way we can all walk around and say “May the fourth be with you” and only come off as being half a lunatic. Personally, I loved Star Wars: The Force Awakens. One of the things that has always impressed me is how much a part of culture the Star Wars saga has become. Beyond the ubiquitous merchandise and apparel, we now refer to someone who provides wise advise as “Yoda”, and he has been referenced in songs and other movies. Since it is May the Fourth, it is alliterative to offer 40 points at the end of Round 4 (before the Do Or Die Dare) if you come dressed as your favorite Star Wars character OR you may earn 20 points at the end of Round 4 (before the Do Or Die Dare) when you bring four or more Star Wars action figures/toys with you to play with in between questions.