DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Thursday, March 12, 2020

Add 200 League Points to your DJ Trivia League Score when you travel and play tonight to Tavern Restaurant at 7:00 – the only location in Penn Yan! Games continue at F n a Rhythm and Booze, 7:30 and Vonnie’s Boathouse at 8:00!
In an effort to de-stress my life, I’ve decided to add Buddhist meditation to improve my mental health. So of course I’ve gone all OCD about learning everything I can about Buddhism, including its’ holy sites. Now, I’m not claiming I’m dealing with being a tribute in the Hunger Games level of stress, but it is there. Sometimes I feel kind of like that 80s song where “now I’m only falling apart”. Like it or not stress is a part of our every day lives. To combat this, some employers give out foam figures or balls to squeeze as a way of reducing stress. Bring one of those with you tonight and take some of the stress off your team with 30 points at the end of Round 3 (before the Double Down Dare).