DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Thursday, June 14, 2018
Happy Flag Day! Be ready for the new League on Sunday and Championship Finals on June 19 by playing tonight starting at The Copper Pig, 6:30, Tavern Restaurant at 7:00, F n a Rhythm and Boozeat 7:30 and Rooster Fish Brewing Pub and Vonnie’s Boathouse at 8:00!
Keep having fun with DJ Trivia in the Finger Lakes by enjoying your purchased food and drinks when you play! The venue and we appreciates your support!
OMG! Hollywood is so completely out of ideas! I just saw the trailer for yet another remake of A Star Is Born. How many more times can that movie be redone? There is a beauty in seeing a baseball play strive for longevity by playing game after game, day after day, but we don’t need the same exact story over and over again in the movies. What would be different coming from California is a measure that will be on the ballot this Fall to divide the state into three different states. I can hardly keep up with every California governor who has tried to make a name for himself in Sacramento without having to hear about two extra people trying to do the same thing. Since Charles Dickens wrote “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” you get to do the same thing tonight. What is the movie you would love to see a remake of and the one movie you hope never, ever gets rewritten for another generation? Write them down and hand them to your host to pick up 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).