DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Thursday, January 2, 2020
Ring in the New Year with the first games of DJ Trivia in the Finger Lakes when you play tonight – Drifters on Owasco at 7:00, F n a Rhythm and Booze at 7:30, and Vonnie’s Boathouse at 8:00!

I came into the house to find my daughters watching Dirty Dancing. I pretended I was interested in it only as a pretext to staring at Jennifer Grey for twenty minutes; I didn’t bother to ask if they were only watching to stare at Patrick Swayze. I missed the start of the movie because I was putting away Christmas decorations. I got it done so fast, I think they should put up a statue of me outside Rockefeller Center to commemorate the event. Most other years, Mrs. Clue Writer and I battle over this chore, and in most other years I lose to her the way Custer lost to those Sioux Indian tribes at the Battle of Little Big Horn. Since not everyone can be on top of things the way I am, bring a Christmas decoration that is still on display at your house and 15 points will be yours at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).