DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Thursday, December 19, 2019
Only 2 DJ Trivia games left to play on Thursday night in the Finger Lakes in 2019. Have fun before Christmas when you play tonight at Drifters on Owasco at 7:00, F n a Rhythm and Booze at 7:30, and Vonnie’s Boathouse at 8:00!
Tavern Restaurant is on a holiday break and will resume DJ Trivia when Leagues start in January! Stop in, wish them Happy Holidays and let them know you’re looking forward to playing there in January!
Have a Happy Christmas and we’ll see you next week!

I made Mrs. Clue Writer take a break from all of the Hallmark movies and got her to watch Forrest Gump with me. Watching the sequence of Forrest in Vietnam, made me think that she would happy if I bought her a first class tick to Java Island, or some warm beach for Christmas. She’s at least happier about my attitude. The closer we get to the big day, the more tolerant I become. I’ve even agreed to go and hear a big chorus production of Handel’s The Messiah on Christmas eve, but we are arguing about whether or not I can wear my ugly Christmas sweater. I’m trying drive down my cost per wearing by donning it as many times as possible. You can to, and pick up 30 points at the end of Round 3 (before the Double Down Dare) when you wear your wear your brightest and ugliest Christmas sweater to play DJ Trivia tonight.