DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Thursday, August 31, 2017
Finish out the week playing DJ Trivia tonight with Jena at Tavern Restaurant, 7:00, F n a Rhythm and Booze with Adam at 7:30, The Copper Pig at 6:30 with Julie, Dryden VFW with Kurt,
Carey Lake with Mike or Vonnie’s Boathouse with Eric at 8:00! And feel good inside when do the bonus!
The storms in Texas are finally moving on and while the rain may be moving, there is still too much water in the area. I have family there who say that even the frogs are looking for higher ground. There’s so much water down there right now even the faster growing plants couldn’t escape the deluge. Now if only all of that water had healing properties, like the waters in the Fountain of Youth, then Mother Nature would be on to some thing. As we play tonight’s game, let’s make sure we are also remembering our brothers and sisters in Texas. For every dollar donated by your team to one of the following organizations, we will give to you one bonus point. $1 = 1 bonus point (50 points max per team). Points will be awarded at the end of Round 4 (before the Do Or Die Dare). Please show your host either a printed receipt or proof of donation on your smartphone. We also encourage you to donate blood to the American Red Cross. We have verified the following relief organizations:
United Way of Houston
Salvation Army
American Red Cross