DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Thursday, August 30, 2018
Thursday means DJ Trivia at Vonnie’s Boathouse at 8:00 and have fun while building your DJ Trivia League Score!
You can also play tonight starting at The Copper Pig – 6:30, Tavern Restaurant at 7:00, F n a Rhythm and Boozeat 7:30! Crooked Rooster in Watkins Glen will resume on September 13.
With the way gas prices are rising going into the Labor Day Weekend, I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be cheaper just to buy a barrel or two of oil and have them refined myself. A nice, long drive somewhere would be a great opportunity to sing along to all of those songs from the 80s that we think we know the words to, because they show up in movies and wedding receptions, but we don’t really and just end up singing our own. While talking over some ideas for a road trip with the family, my youngest came up with the idea that instead of just going somewhere and coming back or driving around in circles, as we do sometimes, that this time we drive in a triangle, just because nobody she knows has ever intentionally done that before. So now we’re plotting out triangle trip that are no more than a couple of barrels of oil… Since Labor Day is supposedly the last time of the year you can wear white, your team will pick up 10 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare) when one team member wears all white to play OR you can earn 25 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare) when your entire team wears all white (minimum of three players)!