DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Monday, September 10, 2018

It’s been awhile but you can play DJ Trivia in the Finger Lakes and add to your League Score tonight at home or if you travel to Swaby’s Tavernat 7:00 or to Waneta Inn at 7:30!




Last Friday the powers that be here at DJ Trivia were holding their “management retreat” on the back nine at some snooty golf course, which left us minions to look like we were working without actually accomplishing anything. This is usually when the conversations in the cubicle farm get divided along generational lines. Usually, the youngsters think that when we mention Mr. Green Jeans we’re talking about some new coffee shop that just opened up. That when they counter by telling the older folks about how The King of Queens was one of the greatest sitcoms of all time. Then we just laugh and laugh… My cubicle buddy gives the younger staffers so much grief about the amount of time they spend with their heads down and looking at their phones that they probably don’t even realize that there are slogans on them thar license plates. As for me, I don’t sweat generational differences, but I cannot abide an ugly license plate. Years ago designs were simpler easier to read, unlike some of the artistic reaches that states are making today. Tonight your team can take home 30 points at the end of Round 3 (before the Double Down Dare) when someone on your team brings in an old, expired vehicle license plate and you can spend the rest of the evening reveling in its glory.