DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Monday, November 4, 2019
Play DJ Trivia one last Monday of this League in the Finger Lakes at Bagels and Cakes, Swaby’s Tavern, and Crossroads Bar & Grille at 7:00 or Waneta Inn at 7:30!

Saturday night we stumbled into this place that had a John Denver cover band. I was amazed at how much of the lyrics I remembered from my parents playing those records over and over again when I was younger. Speaking of being younger, I was amazed when I learned that the 40th anniversary of the Iranian Hostages being taken was also this past weekend. I suppose I could really get nostalgic and go back and read some of my old Michael Crichton novels. Instead, I think I’ll just annoy my kids by singing John Denver songs around the house until they know all of the words themselves. For 30 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare) bring in any John Denver album, cassette, CD, or 8-track tape and the points (and maybe some memories of the 70s) will be all yours.