DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Monday, November 25, 2019
It’s a short work week with Thanksgiving coming up but you can still exercise your brain and have fun playing DJ Trivia in the Finger Lakes tonight at Bagels and Cakes or Swaby’s Tavern , Crossroads at 7:00 and Waneta Inn at 7:30!
This is our year to host Thanksgiving for all of our extended family. Personally, I intend to find a way to put my headphones on and add views to YouTube videos in the hopes of being the millionth or billionth viewer of a video. But, if I hide myself away, I miss the adorable things the younger nieces and nephews say, like the year one of my nephews asked if the ham on the table was named after the Ham in the Bible. My reason for hiding is that one of my brothers-in-law will spend hours trying to explain engineering to anyone. Last year he spent an hour trying to tell me why there are differences in the calculations for what Mach 1 is. He finally gave up once he realized I was flat out ignoring him. We all have relatives we like and some we simply acknowledge that they are family. Tonight it’s personal. Who is the one relative (not living with you) you look forward to seeing and the one you most dread sharing a meal with. Write down the who and why to both of those and 30 points will be yours at the end of Round 3 (before the Double Down Dare).