DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Monday, March 9, 2020
Monday starts your weekend of fun with DJ Trivia in the Finger Lakes when you play tonight at Bagels and Cakes or Swaby’s Tavern at 7:00 or Waneta Inn at 7:30!

While watching SportsCenter last night it dawned on me that the worst guy on the worst MLB team make more than the President. Heck, that’s even true in the NFL. Oh sure, there’s guys like Steve Young who made millions from his first NFL contract, but there are a lot of NFL players that will never see a seven figure contract. That reminded me of conversation with a fellow congregant who said, “I don’t understand pro athletes’ salaries. They don’t create anything; at least God created something.” Yeah, philosophically that is a stretch, but he was buying lunch that day, so I let him rant. But it did get me thinking about things I’ve created, and then about things you’ve created. Bring something you’ve created, built, made, or produced at home or work that you are particularly proud of and 15 points will be yours at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare),