DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Monday, January 6, 2020
DJ Trivia Leagues have started in the Finger Lakes and you can earn your first points tonight when you play at Bagels and Cakes or Swaby’s Tavern at 7:00 and Waneta Inn at 7:30!

I discovered this past weekend that going to a zoo in winter is really a good experience. The crowds were so much smaller. If I had realized this sooner, we would have made a few more visits to our zoo. My kids have now been to the zoo more times than they’ve seen Halley’s comet pass by the earth. Now I’m thinking that if we keep doing things that we haven’t done in a long time, I may dig out that bottle of allspice from the back of the pantry and figure out a recipe that calls for me to use it. For 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare), dig into your spice bottles and pull out the one that you can’t remember why you bought it, much less the last time you used it. Get some use out of it by bringing it with you tonight!