DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Monday, January 27, 2020
Posted On January 27, 2020
End your Monday with some DJ Trivia fun in the Finger Lakes when you play tonight – Bagels and Cakes, Crossroads Bar & Grille, and Swaby’s Tavern at 7:00 or Waneta Inn at 7:30!

We were watching a beautiful sunset on the back porch the other day when I realized I couldn’t explain the relationship between colors and the wavelength of light. I’m not even sure I have that sentence right. Now, I can still go around the world matching capital cities to countries. But ever since I learned that in school, the only place that’s been helpful is in working crossword puzzles. I guess if I hadn’t spent so much time as a teen worrying about the lineups of hair metal bands, I would be a more competent parent today. Instead, I’m really good at solving crossword puzzles. Test your mettle by bringing a book of crossword puzzles with you tonight to pick up 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).