DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Monday, February 10, 2020
Playing DJ Trivia in the Finger Lakes keeps your Mondays from being gloomy! Play tonight at Bagels and Cakes, Crossroads Bar & Grille, and Swaby’s Tavern at 7:00 or Waneta Inn at 7:30 and have fun!

Occasionally, I do fill in as a substitute host when I’m asked to. If I’m given some notice, I go back and watch old game shows where Tom Bergeron was hosting, to make myself as delightful an emcee as he is. The harder part about hosting now is that I’m getting to the point when I think I might need bifocals to read the computer screen while playing the game for everybody. Mrs. Clue Writer likes to point out that I am getting older. Once, she even laughed out loud when one of our favorite songs from the 80s was used in TV ads for an insurance company. I think that was the day I put away my parachute pants for good. Eventually, everyone has a defining moment when they realize that they’re adults and can’t go back to their younger days. Write down your moment you realized you were no longer a kid anymore and your host will ease your transition to adulthood with 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).