DJ Trivia Bonus for Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Get your game on with DJ Trivia when you play tonight in the Finger Lakes at Ovid Vfw at 6:30, Next Chapter Brewpub at 7:00 or Wayside Irish Pub at 7:30!

Now that Spring Training is in full swing, the annual office argument has started up about which is the more talented baseball family: the Aaron family or the Bonds family. We do this every year because we don’t feel as dirty as the time we argued about which Steven Segal was better at: movie acting or reality TV star. It’s not a productive exercise. Not that our studying science would get us any closer to putting another space shuttle in orbit would be, but it does pass the time. Tonight we are going to reward your cinematic guilty pleasure/shame when you bring a Steven Segal DVD with you. If you’re willing to admit, in public, that you own one, we’re willing to give you 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).