DJ Trivia Bonus for Tuesday May 16, 2017

Tonight is your last chance to build your League Score with DJ Trivia if your ‘home’ is Beef & Brew at 7:15, Vonnie’s Halfway Haus, The Auburn Ale House, or The Keuka Restaurant at 7:30. But if you ‘live’ on Wed, Thu or Sun – come out and earn travel points!


I saw where we have yet another job opening in the federal government as the Director of the U.S. Census turned in his resignation. I wonder how quickly they’ll fill that job considering that the census is required by the U.S. Constitution. What is not required is that states recognize official things, like birds or songs or vegetation, but they do it anyway. While not a requirement, it is certainly helpful that each state selected a capital city where they can decide which song is their official song or which reptile should be elevated above all others. Because state Capitol buildings are where so much happens, bring a picture of your state capitol or picture of you visiting another state capitol building and your host will give you 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the DoubleDown dare).