DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Earn an extra certificate when you make your team of 4 or more home at Woody’s Bar & Grille at 7:00! Games also add to your fun Tuesday at Lavish Lounge, Bar and Restaurant at 7:00 and Vonnie’s Halfway Haus at 7:30!

The basketball tournament that shall remain nameless (because we can’t afford to say its’ name) is just around the corner and I’ve decided not to fill out a bracket this year. My dad still keeps his winning bracket from 1979 in a frame, on the wall in his office. I haven’t won a bracket pool since 2000, so I just stopped playing. My dad says I surrendered like General Cornwallis, but I say I go tired of collecting participation trophies. I still win at some things; just this past season I set the record for the most walks (base on balls for you purists) in our company softball league. Since most of you are much higher achievers than I am, bring in the last trophy or award you earned because you competed in an event. By proving you’re more accomplished than me, your team will gain an additional 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).