DJ Trivia Bonus for Thursday April 12, 2012
Posted On April 12, 2012
Had a great conversation at the bar last night about the song that everybody knows because of the the line in the chorus, but nobody knows the correct name of the song because the title is never mentioned in the song. But I was paying for it this morning because your humble clue writer ended up staying our as late as Little Suzie. Now, yours truly is not a smoker, so I’m not sure what the other gu…ys were passing around last night between them but sure do have the munchies this morning and I need your help getting over it. Bring an EMPTY Pringles can with you tonight and you’ll earn 20 points in Round 4. The team that brings the most EMPTY Pringles cans will pick up and extra 20 points in Round 4 also!