DJ Trivia Bonus for the Finger Lakes for Tuesday, February, 18, 2020
Earn 200 League points when you Travel and play DJ Trivia at Lavish Lounge, Bar and Restaurant, 7:00. Make Woody’s Bar & Grille your home and get a gift certificate! The fun continues in the Finger Lakes when you play tonight at Vonnie’s Halfway Haus tonight, 7:30! With Finger Lakes DJ Trivia, even low scores can be on top!

Tom Cruise has another movie sequel coming out this summer. So far he has had so much better luck picking film projects than wives. He could mix the two and call that radio psychologist from Sleepless In Seattle for relationship advice. I used to think that his starring in a biopic of Hugh Hefner would be helpful in his relationship with women, but now I’m not so sure about that. But I don think it is time for him to move on and find a new movie franchise to star in. Earn 30 points at the end of Round 3 (before the Double Down Dare) when you come up with the plot to a new movie and the character that Tom Cruise should play in it.