DJ Trivia Bonus for Monday, June 27, 2016

DJ Trivia Leagues have begun and you can join for free by playing tonight at Swaby’s Tavern, 7:00, Rogue’s Harbor, 7:30 or Waneta Inn, 7:30!


With all of the hoopla going on about the election, there has been some talk about a third party candidate gaining some ground. It has been a long time since neither a Republican or a Democrat has occupied the White House. One guy in the office is put off by the whole thing that he gave us a list of diseases from the CDC that he would rather contract than have either major party candidate as President. It is possible that the eventual winner could get a mountain or an entire range named after them. Heck, if poets can get mountains named after them, who says the egos of the major candidates aren’t big enough that they wouldn’t put their own name on a mountain or two. Tonight we want your ego to run amok and tell us what mountain, river, bridge, or other structure you would want to be renamed after you and why the person it is currently name for should lose the notoriety of having their name on it. If you can convince your host that you are worthy, 15 points will be your at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).