Bonus for Team Trivia Nights in The Finger Lakes and Ithaca for March 1,2012

Bonus for March 1,2012
At the office we were rehashing the Daytona 500 yesterday and how there was a big difference between talking about the rain and burning jet fuel instead of drivers complaining about tires like they have in the past. We also learned this week that we may have the start of a college football playoff coming our way, which may lead to the end of some traditions that certain conferences cling to until facing certain irrelevancy <cough, cough, BIG TEN, cough>. To make sure we never forget those traditions, bring some roses, especially those dying roses from Valentines Day to recognize the probable end of the bowl tradition and you’ll add 10 points to your score in Round 2! Bring your bonus and your team to DJ Trivia night in Ithaca NY and throughout the Finger lakes with games in Auburn,Geneva,Weedsport and Cato. There are no games in Syracuse tonight.

Trivia nights coming soon to Cortland and Canadaigua!