DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Tuesday. January 23, 2018

Today might be the last warm day we see in a while! Get out and play DJ Trivia at our newest and only location in Seneca Falls, The Gould Hotel at 7:00 or join Jena at Beef & Brew, Paul at The Auburn Ale House, Sorah at Vonnie’s Halfway Haus and Eric at The Keuka Restaurant — game time is 7:30.





With the Super Bowl now set, the hype for the commercials will soon begin. I think it is safe to say that we won’t be seeing Spuds MacKenzie this year. I have to admit that I have begun losing interest in the game. Since a reunited Quiet Riot won’t be playing at halftime, I may just go to the movies instead. I’m not a complete pessimist about the whole spectacle though. If given a choice, I’d rather watch the game than sit through a Scooby Doo marathon. There are some other things I might rather see on TV than the game though. For 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare), what program would you be willing to turn off the Super Bowl and watch it instead