DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger lakes for Monday January 8, 2018
FINALLY, a Monday you can play DJ Trivia at Swaby’s Tavern, 7:00 and Waneta Inn at 7:30! The new League starts now — so come out and start earning points!
New Location, The Gould Hotel, starts tomorrow!
I was reading yesterday that one of America’s more notorious prisons, the Rikers Island prison complex is slated to close in the next few years. While I haven’t lived everywhere, I figure there is at least one infamous lock up in most states. Personally, I think being locked up in a place like that would get on my last nerve and I know I have more than a few major ones in my body. Worse yet, I would be able to settle my nerves by watching some of my Maroon 5 music videos. So, there you have it, the reason I don’t do anything to send me to jail is because I would miss Maroon 5 music videos. What keeps you from going to jail? Write down the reason why you don’t do something that would send you away for a while and 20 points will be yours at the end of Round 3 (before the Double Down Dare).