Bonus Points for Trivia in Ithaca and the Finger Lakes for Thursday February 16,2012
Team Trivia Bonus for Thursday February 16,2012….
Your clue this morning comes to you from the Bob-o Noviski stall, a mere 15 ft. from the Mike Hammer booth. It seems appropriate since some were not fond seeing something the second time around. While it was completely unintentional, we appreciate all of you who were willing to go along with it a second time. Besides, there are worse things that haven’t been repeated, like Nazis. So in a completely shameless play on yesterday, while you are brushing up on your world geography and moldie oldie singers, post on our Facebook page,the activity or item we asked you to bring in the past that you really liked AND something you think we should try in the future. Share it with your host in the usual two ways (print it and show it to him/her or show it on your phone) and you’ll claim your 15 points in Round Three tonight! Bonus points can be used for bar team trivia games in Ithaca and the rest of the Finger Lakes. Locations include Auburn,Geneva,Weedsport and Cato.