DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Monday June 12, 2017
DJ Trivia Leagues start next week. Keep practicing by playing tonight at Waneta Inn, 7:30 or at Rogue’s Harbor or Swaby’s Tavern, 7:00!
I was looking at a list of all of the summer blockbuster movies coming out this year, but all I could think about was that I am going to have to wait for at least another year before I get another Star Trek movie. Yes, 2018 isn’t that far away. At least I’m not a fan of any of the NFL teams that are still looking for their first Super Bowl win and aren’t going to get it anytime in the this decade. There’s no telling when, or if, some of those teams will ever get back to the big game again. Those fans won’t be waiting nearly as long as my idiot brother-n-law, who is still waiting on Tommy Tutone to hit the pop/rock charts again. We all have that one thing we can’t wait for. Write down for your host the movie, sports championship or other event that you are still hoping for and your host will make your wait easier with 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare).