DJ Trivia Bonus in the Finger Lakes for Monday May 8, 2017

Only 2 weeks left of DJ Trivia League – so boost your League Score while you can tonight at Swaby’s Tavern, 7:00 or Waneta Inn, 7:30!


Waneta new

So… my oldest announces that she wants to go whitewater rafting in Idaho this summer. At this point, I don’t think I could even locate Idaho on a map, much less get there. The only redemption about rafting is that I am now fat enough that I should float, no matter how many times I fall out of the raft. Heck, at this point, even my internal organs have their own layers of fat to protect me from the evil rock in the river. I am at the point where I’d rather be like Henry Hudson and smoothly float a ship down a river rather than bounce my way, endangering life and limb while I do it. What was the one thing that you used to want to do or have done that you now think is no longer a good idea for you to do? Write it down for your host and they’ll offer you 15 points at the end of Round 2 (before the Double Down Dare) for your honest answer.