DJ Trivia Bonus for Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Have fun playing DJ Trivia at Ciccino’s Pizzeria & Restaurant, 7:00,Wayside Irish Pub, 7:30, Plantations in Dryden, 8:00 or earn 100 League Points traveling to Arthur G. Depew Memorial VFW Post 6200, 6:30!

Play at our newest Finger Lakes location, Wildflower Crooked Rooster, tomorrow. Another new location starting next Wednesday, Dresden Hotel!

I took my dad out to breakfast with some of his buddies last weekend. My dad has held his tongue for many months now, but finally snapped that day when he told his buddies at the coffee shop that he’d rather vote for Nixon again rather than anybody who ran for President in the GOP field. The next thing I knew they started reminiscing about when baseball teams started moving to California and who was on which roster. I knew at that point that I had a better chance of getting struck by lightening than getting our of that place before they switched over to the lunch menu. Unfortunately, I didn’t take him to breakfast in the right city. We’ve all seen movie and TV characters eating breakfast in restaurants across America, but which one is your favorite scene? Write down the movie and the characters involved along with why you think it was such a memorable breakfast and hand it to your host for 30 points at the end of Round 3 (before the Double Down Dare).VFW Ovid