DJ Trivia Bonus for the Finger Lakes forTuesday February 14, 2017

Play DJ Tonight all over the Finger Lakes: Beef & Brew at 7:15, Vonnie’s Halfway Haus, The Auburn Ale House or The Keuka Restaurant at 7:30!

Get 200 League Points when you travel to Liehs & Steigerwald Downtown at 7:00!


liehs and steigerwald

I think I have finally reached my threshold with the traffic where I live. I’m thinking that moving to South Dakota might not be such a bad idea after all. My lovely Valentine says I have a better chance of moving her to a former Soviet Union republic than I do to any of the Dakotas. To emphasize her point, she also told me that there were not enough M&Ms in the world that I could acquire to convince her to go; visit maybe, but not to live. You can relax, we’re not going to ask you to bring pounds of M&Ms tonight (although the thought did cross our minds). Actually, we want to know the one place your spouse, significant other, etc. would never in a million years let you move them to and why they won’t go there. Write it and give it to your host for 30 points at the end of round 3 (before the Double Down Dare).